Tax Statements and 1099s: Everything You Need to Know

Tax Statements and 1099s: Everything You Need to Know

Federal taxes may seem like a longtime feature of American life, but the practice of 强制税 has only been around since 1909. One common filing involves tax Statements and 1099s.

If you are an independent landlord filing this year, you may have 1099-related questions. 我们是来帮忙的. Read on to learn the basics of how to properly file 1099s.


The 1099 form is an important part of your rental property accounting. Form 1099 is used to report self-employment earnings. 它还可以报告 dividends and interest.

The IRS uses 1099s to monitor miscellaneous income. Traditional income is recorded through W-2 forms. 1099 forms help the IRS determine reported income more accurately. 

Do I Need to File One?

作为房东, you are required to file a 1099 for any contractor you pay $600 or more during the calendar year. Common contractors include maintenance, 办公室工作人员, and anyone you hire to fix or maintain the properties on a regular basis.

Not filing your 1099 can lead to fees and other penalties, so avoid 犯错误 of not filing this important form. 


To file a 1099, have your contract worker fill out a W-9. Based on that information, you or an accountant can fill out the 1099. 这个简单的 property management step 详情如下.


You will need the worker's tax identification number. This could be either the social security number or a business employer identification number.

Contract Worker Address

Next, you'll need to put in the recipient's address. Then you need to list how much money was issued to the contract worker.

Tips for Smoother Accounting

The first year of filing may be tough going. You can make the process go smoother by having good rental property accounting measures in place.

Keep a ledger of payments you make to contract workers. The burden of keeping accurate payment records falls on you as the landlord.

Rather than waiting til the April tax payment deadline to send out W-2s can put you at risk of filing 1099 late, which could lead to penalties. A good time of year to send the W-2 out is in the fall.

Financial Services Through Blue Ribbon 菲律宾十大彩票平台  

Blue Ribbon 菲律宾十大彩票平台 offers financial services that can simplify the 1099 process. 我们的团队可以处理 basic accounting reports. All reports are available online 24/7.

Our software can handle small companies or multi-million dollar properties. The Blue Ribbon team can develop a realistic budget that affordably meets your needs.

When it comes time to file your 1099 forms, you can refer to the online data that is accurately compiled.

Learn More 值得信赖的十大在线娱乐平台 Tax Statements and 1099s

With prior planning and the right accounting software, you can streamline the process for filing form 1099s. As your landlord business grows, you'll want to improve your system for filing tax statements and 1099s.

Whatever your landlord needs, we're here to help. 联络我们的办事处 today to see what Blue Ribbon 菲律宾十大彩票平台 can do for you.
